Bambu: targets

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Available targets:


Vendor Model Bambu ID
Intel Cyclone V SE 5CSEMA5F31C6
Intel Stratix V 5SGXEA7N2F45C1
Intel Cyclone II EP2C70F896C6
EP2C70F896C6-R (with retiming)
Intel Stratix IV GX EP4SGX530KH40C2
Lattice ECP3 LFE3-35 LFE335EA8FN484C
Lattice ECP5 LFE5U-85 LFE5U85F8BG756C
Lattice ECP5 LFE5U-M85 LFE5UM85F8BG756C
NanoXplore NG-Large nx1h140tsp
NanoXplore NG-Medium nx1h35S
NanoXplore NG-Ultra nx2h540tsc
AMD Virtex 4 xc4vlx100-10ff1513
AMD Virtex 5 110T xc5vlx110t-1ff1136
AMD Virtex 5 330T xc5vlx330t-2ff1738
AMD Virtex 5 50 xc5vlx50-3ff1153
AMD Virtex 6 xc6vlx240t-1ff1156
AMD Artix 7 xc7a100t-1csg324-VVD
AMD Virtex 7 330T xc7vx330t-1ffg1157
AMD Virtex 7 485T xc7vx485t-2ffg1761-VVD
AMD Virtex 7 690T xc7vx690t-3ffg1930-VVD
AMD Zynq-7000 XC7Z020 xc7z020-1clg484 (ISE)
xc7z020-1clg484-VVD (Vivado)
xc7z020-1clg484-YOSYS-VVD (Yosis)
AMD Zynq-7000 XC7Z045 xc7z045-2ffg900-VVD
AMD Kintex UltraScale U060 xcku060-3ffva1156-VVD*
AMD Virtex UltraScale+ (Alveo U280) xcu280-2Lfsvh2892-VVD*

* URAM inference is currently not supported.


Provider PDK Bambu ID
OpenROAD ASAP 7nm asap7-BC (best case)
asap7-TC (typical case)
asap7-WC (worst case)
OpenROAD Nangate Open Cell Library 45nm nangate45

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